Green Pastures is an independent 501(c)3 not for profit religious organization, which is administrated by a governing board and operated by camp hosts. All major decisions at Green Pastures are made by the governing board consensus. The board can be reached via our contact e-mail address.
Executive Board:
Travis Deaver (President), Hope Cherry (Vice President), Scott Kording (Treasurer)
Board of Directors:
Hope Cherry (Chair), Callie Wisdom (Vice Chair), Margaret Stinson (Secretary), Keith Bradbury, David Albers, Travis Deaver, Scott Kording
Various board members and volunteers serve in specific departments:
Treasurer Scott Kording
Keith O. Bradbury
Hospitality Division
Camp Host Lydia P. Darden
Camp Host Gerald J. “J.D.” Darden
Marketing Division
Jasper Sleeman
Programs Division
Hope H. Cherry
Property Division
David T. Albers